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Affordable housing is the key issue in this election for 90% of voters 

  • 61% of British Columbians say affordable housing is a “very important” issue, while 29% say it’s “somewhat important” 
  • Concern about affordable housing is highest among renters and Indigenous respondents, as well as younger adults 
  • A higher proportion of seniors, homeowners, and high-income earners were among the 9% who believe housing is “not important”  

Renters are hit hard by housing insecurity 

  • 68% of BC renters want to find a different place to live but do not want to give up their current rent
  • 64% of renters say they are reliant on their landlord to allow them to stay  
  • 44% of renters are worried about being evicted from their current place  
  • 85% of renters are concerned about finding another affordable place to live if told to move (a concern shared by 58% of British Columbians) 
  • 82% of British Columbians agree that increasing non-profit and co-op housing units is needed to address the housing crisis 
  • 92% think it’s important to invest in housing to ensure affordability relative to local incomes 
  • 72% agree that the non-profit and co-op housing sector is part of the solution to the housing crisis 
  • 81% think acquiring private housing where tenants are at risk of eviction to ensure rents remain affordable is important.   
  • 52% of British Columbians agree that an Indigenous-led housing strategy is needed 
  • 55% agree it would advance the cause of reconciliation 

We need to protect the affordable homes we already have  

  • 89% of British Columbians think it is important to prevent the loss of affordable housing in BC 
  • 86% believe it’s important to keep rents affordable for people in their existing private rental housing 
  • 73% agree that preventing people from having to move from their existing rental housing units due to redevelopment can help keep rents affordable for existing tenants 
  • 71% agree that transferring market rental buildings at risk of redevelopment to non-profit housing societies to ensure the units remain affordable is an important strategy to address the housing crisis 
  • 68% think the provincial government should invest more in the Rental Protection Fund 

The Research Co. poll was conducted online from July 11 to 13, 2024, among 803 adults in British Columbia. The data has been statistically weighted according to Canadian census figures for age, gender, and region in BC. The margin of error, which measures sample variability, is +/- 3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.